Homework 5 (100 pts)

This problem set is due Tuesday (10/5/2021) at 11:59pm. Please turn in your work by uploading to Canvas. If you have questions, please post them on the course forum, rather than emailing the course staff. This will allow other students with the same question to see the response and any ensuing discussion. The goal of this problem set is to review classification by performing “discrete decoding” of some neural data. You should submit both commented code and a write-up for this homework assignment.

Description of data set

The data (in file ReachData.npz on Canvas) is in a struct array “r” of size 1127. You can see the variables in a .npz file by querying the .files class element.

import numpy as np
ReachData = np.load('ReachData.npz')


### to find out the fields of a Python structure/dictionary, the command "dir" is useful

Each element in the array contains data on one trial. Time stamps for each spike in trial i and neuron j are given in r(i).unit(j).spikeTimes (in ms relative to trial start). Other relevant members of the structure for this homework assignment are: r(i).timeTouchHeld (the time the reach target appears and movement planning nominally begins), r(i).timeGoCue (the time the animal is cued to move and planning nominally ends), r(i).timeTargetAcquire (the time movement ends).

Here’s some code to convert the “r” structure to more normal Python/numpy format:

r = ReachData['r']

spikeTimes = [] # This will be a list across trials of a list across units of np arrays of spike times 
timeTouchHeld = []
timeGoCue = []
timeTargetAcquire = []
for trial in r:
    spikeTimes.append([u.spikeTimes if type(u.spikeTimes) is np.ndarray \
                           else np.array([u.spikeTimes]) for u in trial.unit])

A big part of all three parts of this assignment will be writing code that creates spike count vectors. These will be vectors of size \(Nx1\), where \(N\) is the total number of neurons (i.e., 190). All of the classification will be on these vectors, and you should combine across neurons by taking the product of probabilities (not by doing anything that would collapse across neurons or mix their information). There are 8 different reach targets (locations in the vector targets); the target index for each trial is in the vector cfr.


  1. Plan data only vs movement data (30 pts)

    Define two windows of spikes, the “plan window” encompassing spikes which were emitted between target onset and the go cue, and the “movement window” encompassing spikes which were emitted between the go cue and the time movement ends (note that both types of window are of different length for different trials). Here is example code to find the array of spikes in the plan window:

    planSpikes = []
    for trialIdx, trialSpikes in enumerate(spikeTimes):
     planSpikes.append([np.sum((st > timeTouchHeld[trialIdx]) & (st < timeGoCue[trialIdx])) for st in trialSpikes])
    planSpikes = np.array(planSpikes) # will be 1127 x 190 (number of trials by number of neurons)

    Randomly choose 50 trials per target to be a set of training data (400 trials total). The remaining trials will be used for testing (“test data”). We can describe the number of spikes that a neuron produces in each window (vector of neural counts as \(\mathbf{n}_{plan}\) and \(\mathbf{n}_{move}\), where \(\mathbf{n} \in \mathbb{R}^N\), where \(N\) is the number of neurons) using a wide variety of random process models. Use the training data to estimate the parameters of a target- direction-dependent vector Poisson process, i.e., \(\Pr(\mathbf{n} \mid \mathrm{target}_k) \sim \mathrm{Poisson}(\boldsymbol{\lambda}_k) = \prod_{n=1}^N \mathrm{Poisson}(\lambda_{k,n})\). In other words, calculate a Poisson model for each neuron and class - the rate for a class will be a vector the size of the number of neurons. For each of remaining test trials estimate the maximum likelihood reach target (do it in log space!). What is the overall decoding accuracy (i.e., what fraction of trials are decoded correctly) using only the data in the plan window? Using only data in the movement window? Combining plan and movement data? BEWARE if you are getting best decoding numbers below 90% you probably have not properly calculated rates or properly applied the rates to the right duration windows for each trial. Remember that a Poisson process is defined by \(\lambda * T\)! BEWARE #2 If you have estimated a rate = 0 for a particular reach direction, this will likely cause problems. Be pseudo-Bayesian - replace the 0s with a small number!

  2. Amount of plan data (40 pts)

    a. The plan periods in the data set are either 755 or 1005 ms. Consider decoding using less than the full plan period. Generate new models for plan periods of increasing size (50 ms to 750 ms in 50 ms increments, where all plan windows begin at the target onset time). Using maximum likelihood estimation, decode the reach target for the test data using these different sized windows of neural data. (Both train and test with these window sizes!) Plot the decoding accuracy as a function of the size of the decoding window. Briefly describe what you see. (20 pts)

    b. Now, instead of using an increasing window size, use a constant 200 ms window, but slide the window start time from target onset (“0”) to 550 ms after target onset (use 50 ms steps). Generate new models for each window location and decode the reach target for the test data. Plot the decoding accuracy as a function of the temporal location of the decoding window. Briefly describe what you see. (20 pts)

  3. Number of neurons (30 pts)

    Using your model from (1), you decoded maximum likelihood targets using all 190 neurons. Now, perform a “neuron dropping analysis”. Starting with your full model, randomly eliminate neurons and evaluate decoding accuracy in the reduced data set. Eliminate between 20 and 180 neurons (by 20s – so decode using between 10 and 190 neurons in steps of 20) – average each point (number of neurons) by randomly choosing neurons to be dropped 20 times. Plot decoding accuracy as a function of the number of neurons available to the decoder. Briefly describe what you see?